Zackary is 4!

Ah, my little buddy is growing up. Where has that time gone? Before I know it he will be at the big kids school and when I asked him what am I supposed to do with him gone all day he replied that I would still have Alana... love that smart boy. He truly loves being a big brother, but also plays younger brother very well by being Ryken's shadow when he is home. Zackary loves to play with friends, he loves to be the first to sing good morning to Alana, he loves his blankies and stuffed animals, he loves to be included in anything, he loves to wrestle, he loves going to school and will get ready first thing in the morning and ask me all day long is it time yet though he doesn't go till 1pm. His favorite colors is all of them, he has said he wants to be a builder when he grows up, he loves chocolate milk and fruit snacks. We sure do love our crazy Zackary Steven.