Lately we are trying to establish eating habits with Jasmin first off by eating at the table with her. Usually we eat in the living room and try to feed her as we eat, but it's not working :) So we are now eating at the table with her in her high chiar. This morning we tried peaches, she cringed after the first bite. Also I tried letting her feed herself the cereal, works sometimes, not always as you can see. We have a semi busy day, Daddy has already left for work but later Mommy and Jasmin have to go to a Scout planning meeting (I am in Webelos) and then when Daddy gets home we are going to the zoo! Yeah, Jasmin loves the animals at the zoo. She has been walking alot lately, it mostly started last thursday or friday but with each day she takes more and more steps, the little stink, growing up way too fast. Well, as you can see, she is messy, so I am going to give her a bath and get ready for the day. Later.

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Anonymous said…
look at that big girl siiting in her chair eating her food. She is just growing up so fast. Luv Auntie Jujjie

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