For Christmas Anthony gave everyone Outback gift cards, so we went on Friday the 5th, while Grandma was still here. The only people missing where Raeane and Kirsten, who didn't want to spend their money on food and Jasmin who stayed home with Grammy. It was fun, we had a good time and Jasmin learned "5 little monkees jumping on the bed" that night with Grammy. Sorry that I haven't been on in a long time. Life has been crazy. On the 12th Jasmin swallowed a dime and so we had to go to the doctors to make sure that was what it was, then on Monday we went to see if it had passed, it was in the same spot. On Wednesday she started vomitting uncontrolably, so we had to go to the doctors again and get another x-ray. The danger was that if it was still in her stomach then she might vomit it back up and it would get lodged in her espohagous. Again, the dime was in the same spot. The final straw was Friday morning when she barfed her entire stomach contents and we went to the E.R. to have the dime removed. They took another x-ray and found that it was in her intenstines, so no more danger. She still hasn't passed it yet, so we are watching her carefully. The kicker is I had weaned her the day before from nursing and then she went on a liquid diet to help the dime pass so I gave in and nursed her, but we weaned again this week and so far so good. Oh, on Friday I came down with the same stomach flu and so that had me bedridden for a few days. We are excited for the Super Bowl now that New England isn't going. Plus we have alwasy liked Chicago and hope they win. No other too big of news, hope all is well for everyone who reads this. I will work on getting some more pictures.

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