Three years ago today...

Yep, it has been three years now, crazy how time flies... I am not much of a flower person; I used to do the whole dry them out and keep them forever thing, but after the cats got to a batch once I decided it wasn't worth the effort and told Steve he never had to buy me flowers. That hasn't stopped him though and today he came home with a gorgeous magenta, purple and white daisy and iris assortment in honor of our anniversary. You know you have done good when your two year old's eyes get all wide and says " wow, pretty" as you walk through the door with the flowers. He also brought me a maple doughnut, nothing says I love you like a pastry ;) Sorry didn't take a picture of that, Jasmin and I will have to be the only ones who enjoy that gift. The last picture is of little man in Daddy's arms... I can't believe how big he is getting.
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mckenna said…
Congrats!! Anniversaries are so fun! What a cute husband you have. How old are your kids? Your little boy is so tiny! He's so sweet! (And yes, the pregnancy announcement is an April Fools prank. I'm hoping my husband does check it and it freaks him out!!)

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