Jasmin's Recital PT. 3

See Here


Mama D said…
What a cute dancer!

I finally had a chance to catch up, so if you want check out your last few posts for my comments! :)
Glad you enjoyed the posts :)
The Bradys said…
That has to be the cutest thing ever!!! I cannot believe Jasmin is old enough to be doing something like this; not only does she have talent, but she's pretty smart to remember all the moves in order/to the music. The other girls were totally staring at jasmin to see what to do next and she always knew what to do! What a cutie!

Thanks for coming over today. It was SO fun to have the kids play - Hailey absolutely loves Jasmin and Ryken. Thanks for being such great friends to us!
Anonymous said…
Hahaha that's cute! I finally added your blogger back to my bookmarks. All my stuff was deleted, but I'm back stalking you. Ok, that was creepy of me. ;) talk soon!
Mama D said…
I also sent you a FB message about this. I've added pics to my blog but never a video. I'm trying to add one now but it doesn't seem to be working...

Can you help? Walk me through the process so I can see if I did something wrong? Does it need to be on the edit html tab? Argh. I'm frustrated!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas day! I bet the kids were excited and had fun!!

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