Man, I am tired.  The Free sale was today, and I got up early to go help and scope, and now I am wasted.  I will post some pics soon, we took little man out to play for the first time this year ( and first time since he can walk... well in good weather, he went out in the snow a few times ) and had a blast.  I am SOO ready for spring :)


mckenna said…
I can "hear" how tired you are from you post. :) Go to bed early tonight!!
Mama D said…
So glad that the Free Sale went so well. I hope you get a good, solid night's sleep tonight!
DaMel said…
hey clerrisa-- i only posted the stupid thing so i could get something from a freind just for the fun of it... maybe the best thing ull get from me is maybe a visit to your house... i been depressing so bad and found out i been getting really meaner lately... i dont know whats going or how that happened.... :(
The Mom said…
Hey Clerissa,
So nice to finally put a face to your name! You have darling kids! You are also quite the blogger. May I also add you to my list? It'll be great to get to know you! My parents live in Orem.

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