Those of you who know me probably know that I like to scrapbook, and I pretend to be good at it. When you scrapbook you are supposed to use only items that are acid free. If I don't know for sure that an item is acid free, like if I got it from a lot at a yardsale or those stickers you get in the mail, it goes into our Jasmin pile. Here are some pictures of what Jasmin does with her stock of stickers. Usually she decorates her stuffed animals, we even found stickers on the outside of our car once, but this time she chose to put the whole page on herself. Beautiful.

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Mama D said…
Creative little girl following in her mom's footsteps!

(Wait, that sounds like you put stickers all over yourself! lol)
The Bradys said…
I love the new template! Thanks so much for a fun storytime. . .you are seriously supermom. It amazes me how much you do and give to others! Thanks for being such a great friend.

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