For your viewing pleasure...


Mama D said…
You posted this just a few minutes ago. Yay for being one of the very first to see it! :)

Your kids have such adorable smiles. Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving!
Mama D said…
We're avid viewers together - you checked my blog after seeing my FB status! :)

I love my former YW! Hugs are always good.

Sorry you are sick. It's way hard to run on empty. Take time for yourself so you can get better!

I miss being able to see the lights at Temple Square. Yay for date night! And I had no idea you were attending a party in honor of my b-day on Sun! :)

We had a good Thanksgiving. Fun day with good friends! I blogged about it on Thurs and on Sat in my weekly blessing post.

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