the latest

So yes, I didn't think to blog about our newest news because, hello, I facebooked it and doesn't that mean everyone knows now??? Ha, so I apologize that those of my adoring viewers who are not my facebook friend are now finding out later than, yanno, everyone else ;)

We are pregnant... well, mostly just me, the one throwing up and feeling nauseous all the time, and overheated at night, and constantly having to get up and hit the bathroom and already looking 5 month when only 2, etc... but it is a family affair to a certain extent, so I say we :D

Poor little baby is due first week of December, such a horrible month to have a birthday, imo. When we told the kiddles, Jasmin's first response was "is it a girl baby?" ha, we will see :) Though according to her, she is already telling people it is a girl, but we won't be making that announcement for some time ;) And when we do, I promise to blog it first, not facebook :D


Mama D said…
Congrats! My b-day is early Dec - and it's not as bad as late Dec. I didn't mind it as a kid, because my parents took steps to ensure I didn't get lost in the shuffle between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Minky {moo} said…
AWWW! Congrats! I'm so happy for you. And riddled with jealousy! I want another baby!!! Your family is beautiful, I can't wait to see the newest 5 months.

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