So I have been dabbling in oils for a bit... sounds witch crafty,no? And took the jump. I want to make Steve's life with R.A. less painful and make our lives healthier in general. I have been blown away already. I gave my sister some of the Breathe blend to try, and she is at day 9 from having to use her inhaler 2-5 times a day, to have not used it since she started rubbing it on her chest in the mornings. Steve is on the vitamins and the dna repair supplement, and while I am not delusional and thinking we will cure his r.a., am hoping for less pain in his life. I started the Slim and Sassy supplement and am seeing results already. There is still hope for bathing suit season! Seriously, there are a million ways to use the oils, and the fact that doTERRA are one of a few if not the only oils that are tested to make sure that each one is 100 percent what it says it is ( not just 100 percent natural, because that includes weeds and gras...