Anniversaries, Birthdays, Activities, oh my!

I am counting down the days till summer, no lie.  I need a day where I do not have to drive anywhere.  I am currently living in our van!  Ha, oh man my kids are worth it but mommy needs a break ;)

We celebrated our 8 year anniversary last month, on april 1st ;)  I got to sleep in because it was spring break for the kids and Steve had the whole week off.  We played games with the kids all day then Grammy and Grampy Lewis came and watched themso we cold go shopping, to dinner, and to a movie.  It was divine.  This is the only picture I got from that day.

Next up was Jasmin's RAD exam and first dance comp of the season... yes, on the same day, UGH.  We literally had to leave the RAD exam and head straight for Ogden, and be there an hour and a half later on time.  We made it, with time to spare cus the comp started late.  This tiny dancer got a DIAMOND ranking for her solo!
We spent the weekend in Layton, the next town over because sister's team dances were the next day, yanno, on my birthday :)  They did well.  They got a diamond and ruby ranking on their dances.  Grammy and Grampy came up and watched, so that was super special.  We went home the next day but not before hitting the Hill Air Force Museum.
The next big event was our April Club anniversary dinner.  SO FAR, soon to be changed come july ;), everyone in the Lewis family has been married in the month of April.  So John treated us all to a night at The Roof in SLC.  We ate so much we had to be rolled home, no lie ;)

Zackary and Ryken got a chance to be hat models, sadly it was a cold windy day, so didn't get many pics, but got a few winners ;)

And last but not least, this super star played his last game of the season and did amazing!  We are so proud of how far he has come and look forward to many more years.  He asks all the time, when do I get my next jersey?  ha, the crazy kid.


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