We went out to Grandma and Grandpa Richter's for Auntie Raeane's birthday on the 23rd. It was the first time Jasmin tried floaties! She wasn't so sure but liked wearing all the floatiation deviced that would fit on her body, as you can see in the picture. Aunties Jujee and Raeane came out that morning and we went shopping and yardsaling. It was quite the good times. We finally were able to take Raeane to to buy her bday gift from us on Friday, a ctr ring :) She chose a cute universal spinner one ( universal means it has ctr in about 6 different languages ). I will have to take a picture of her with her ring, since she likes it so much :) Auntie Kirsten picked one out to for an early bday gift. Her's is a hawaiian cute out ctr ring, another good choice :) I was happy that they liked their gifts so much, nothing like supporting their good choices.
This is a picture of me meeting another Mormon Momma :) She came to my uppercase living party last week, so sweet of her :) I know, I look like death warmed over, felt like it too, it was right before I was diagnosed with the sinus infection. Anyhow, figured I would get it up, it is about time. I have pics of the babes with Uncle Anthony before he left for the summer again that I need to get up. Yesterday was Auntie Jujee's bday, so happy birthday to her. Tomorrow is our 4 year anni, so happy anni to my hubs, I love you :)