My name is Mommom

So my beautiful Jasmin is turning 3 on Monday, where has the time gone? I had to stop to jot down a few thoughts about how much of a blessing she is in our life.

I am over here surfing and all of a sudden I hear "patti-cake" I look over and she is sitting if front of Ryken teaching him how, and making him laugh as she is slapping hands with him, and then pointing to him to tell him the cake in the oven is for him. So sweet.

She got some wings the other day, in honor of her fairy birthday party. When we got home, after trying them on, she sadly came over to us and told me "Mommy, my wings don't work" and upon asking why, she responded "I'm not flying" So cute :)

She recently started dance/gymnastics, so now her tumbling around the house will have some order to it, hopefully :) Either way, she gets done with class and becomes the biggest chatterbox alive on the drive home. Telling us about everything she did, and what her favorite part of the day was. She came home and started pushing me around from behind and I was like, what are you doing Jasmin? and she said, "playing choo choo, mommom" Yes, sometimes she calls me mommom, I joke it is because I am big enough to be more than one mom, but Steve says it's just how she says momma.

She likes to play hide and seek with Daddy, another game relearned at dance. She likes to be found so hasn't quite grasped the concept :) You finish counting and then say, here I come and it is quickly followed up with a "I'm over here!"

She loves to turn music on and have us dance with her.
She likes to celebrate everything! "Good job, brother, you picked up the toy!" "Good job, Daddy, you ate your dinner!"

She is such a joy and blessing in our life, and one day at of the year is not enough to fill with sentiments about her. I can't wait though for the fun she will have at both her friend's party and her family party.


mckenna said…
So cute!! Little girls are such fun!!
Anonymous said…
That's cute! I didn't know her birthday was today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAZ! We actually share a day then cause me and Cam are celebrating our 2 years of marriage today :D. Oh and Cameron has served exactly 7 years in the US Army today! Wow, me, Jasmine, and Cam picked a good day today!

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