see past the brown, see the beauty

I should be sleeping, I really should be, but can't seem to pry myself from this screen filled with blog after blog of people who I don't know but seem to find their lives interesting enough to stay up and read about.

I apologize for not updating yet, I am overdue and have had requests for the cute fairy pictures, but just haven't done it yet. I think the main reason is because they didn't upload to picassa and went into adobe instead and therefore takes longer for me to upload and it has just overwhelmed me to think about so I keep putting it off. But I promise, soon, I will get them up.

To fill the void here are some tender moments I have to share.

Today I got a much coveted and needed nap, I wasn't feeling the best and had a shoe shindig to hit up so a nap was a must. I got Ryken down and Jasmin came in and said she wanted to take a nap to so curled up behind me in Daddy's spot and proceeded to fake snore ( like Daddy, not like Mommy :) ) Anyhow I told her to be soft since brother is sleeping so she stopped snoring and I assumed fell asleep. Ha, if only it were that simple, no she was just laying there and started squirming around and just when I was going to tell her to go to sleep she leans over me and gets right in my face. I pretended to be asleep already and after a moment she accepted that fact and kissed my arm and brushed my hair back from my face and said "Goodnight Mommom, I love you." That little monkey, in such a tender moment made me wonder how many times she has given me the fake out in order for her to do the same to me as I do to her when she is asleep :)

She has been so grateful since her birthday, it has been totally cute. She says "thank you VERY much" to everything. I came home with a pair of shoes for her from the shindig and she is still wearing them and finding outfits to match (smart girl there is pink in the flower so came out with a new pink dress from her cousins.) But yes, her little voice saying "thank you very much" is definetly one of the sweetest sounds.

So today, in one of my many moments of exhaustion that seem to fill each day, I had an "awe" moment. I was watching little man sleep and it just overwhelmed me all of a sudden to realize how much faith Heavenly Father must have in me. Honestly, to send such a sweet little spirit to bless my life and to trust into my care, no matter how down or depressed I might be on myself always thinking about what I could get done or should be cleaning or how much better I see other's being and should be like or what not, that He thinks that I am worth enough to send them to me. I need to be open to such moments and stop getting lost in the muck of life. I really am so blessed to have such beautiful spirits in my life who share their love so freely with me that I need to remember to be grateful so more often. I keep thinking that my focus is to be more Christlike in my daily doings, and I really do strive for this, I just need to emphasize the grateful factor because I really do have so much to be grateful for, that it is ridiculous that I would ever have any moments of griping. I had an institute teacher tell me once, "We need to not focus on the brown, but on the beauty of life." He was one of my all time favs and I so need to remember his quote daily because though I might have some brown in my life, there is so much more beauty that I need to appreciate like it deserves to be appreciated.


mckenna said…
I heart this post!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!
Mama D said…
What a fantastic post! I love your thoughts about your kids. HF trusts us a lot... We need to believe in ourselves like He believes in us. I like the idea of looking past the brown in life and appreciating what "deserves to be appreciated."
Ann said…
Thank you so much for your thoughts! You've captured the feelings that every mom feels at times - those precious moments, those overwhelming moments, and those moments of insecurity. I look at the cute pictures of Jasmin's party and watch Halle read the books you gave her (which she adores) and wonder how you could ever think you're not an amazing mom. I wish I had your creativity and talents. That's why I need you as a friend. You make up for where I am lacking.

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