
Cortney said…
cute Halloween costume! Don't worry andrew was a ghost but just not for the ward party. Um, check his facebook I think he has a picture of it on there. Zoey didn't seem to mind one bit, she just stared and smiled at him. and yes, I htink it was the vineyard pumpkin place, on geneva road right? we just wanted a pumpkin patch that doesn't cost money. plus their pumpkins were really priced well.
Liz Harrell said…
So so so precious!
Hey Liz... random blog roller or do I know you?
Liz Harrell said…
Just random... I found V&Co. blog today and started skipping around. :)
Right on, I don't think I know v&co.. but cool that it lead you here :) Sorry it is not it's usual, I usually post 2 or 3 times a week filled with pictures of my babes, but little man is having a hard time with teething.

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