Wow, my first tag, woo-hoo. Thanks Kim :)
Here goes :)
1. I worked at Super Target when I was 16... did any of you know that?
2. I can't stand the feel of ice sticking to my fingers, it is worse than chalk squeaking or styrofoam rubbing.
3. I totally justify any purchase if it is for my babes :) So that is the extent of my shop-a-holic-ness.
4. I am a huge pack rat in the sense of memorabilia items. I keep everything if I think it can be scrapbooked :)
5. I like to sign along to songs, even when driving... I know, not the most safe because hands not on the wheel... but yes, fun. My favorite is when I get to go somewhere without babes so I can totally blast the music and semi rock out :)
6. I wish I was a better dancer. Like "mad skillz" stuff, not just slow dance ballroom stuff I already can do.
7. I never got asked out once in high school, not a single time (probably not the most surprising, but random yes?)
OK I tag...
Michelle DeGraw
Angie Gardner

I really will get to this tag for myself...