So I need votes and opinions. If ever you have been to our house, you would have seen that as you enter our home on the wall directly in front of you has a 10 x 13 family picture below a framed Proclamation to the World. We need to update that, and that is where you opinion comes into play. Which of these two pictures should be the one for the wall?
So yes, since I didn't have near as many pics as I thought, figured I would write an update, I owe you that much :) Let's see, the day I posted our Christmas letter little man decided to start walking. He is so stinking cute to watch do this, he looks to little to, but hey sister was doing it at 9 months so technically he was a month later :) He leans his weight on his hands and pops up his bum onto his feet and stands up and off he goes. Watching him go after sister or "zombie walk" ( arms out stretched ) over to you is so much fun. Ha, even tries to dance like he sees sister do, and bounces a little or walks in circles after her. Sometimes it amazes me how much fun these little people can be. He waves and sounds to say "bye" when he does. He and sister got little play cell phones for Christmas and he will open his and put it to his ear and say "hi." He loves to antagonize sister, and he knows just how to do it too, the little stink. He ...
I say the second one, no the first, no the second
I think you should get enlargements of the ones of your kids that I mentioned in my comment on your slide show. Those are fabulous!
We will be getting atleast one brother and sister shot for the wall too, they turned out too precious not to. Might have to get a G parents shot too, we will see, since we got read of the beasty entertainment center I have a new wall to fill, and how better than with picture?
Sorry about the language in there. I was so freaking mad! I usually don't talk like that. But, I had to vent. :(
Well, it's taken care of now, but we feared she would turn around saying that Cameron made sexual advances towards her, which is not the case. Then the discharge would be ruined because he would be court martialed